Stuffs that I ought to buy for my honey..
yey!:) of course when I have the money first..hehe so excited..

so what we have here is a black lacoste strap shoes that I find so adorable..
see those details in such angles..I hope my honey will like this too..:)

As I can remember this will cost me about 4,000 t0 6,000..hehe not bad.. I don't want to give him a brand-less one..I hope this will be comfortable too..

TaAadaNnnn! I love this perfume..smells so clean and masculine..I remember the days when my honey used this occasionally.
I want to cuddle him more...and MORE!:)

The N82 (left) N&79 (right)My bunchy wants the N82 first but finally decided to have the N79 instead..this will cost 14k or something?hehe I really don't know how much..but I intend to buy it!when I finally have the money....:)
from where?that's a secret for now
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