Hi! it's been a while now..so many sorrowful events..Tita Cory died as well as our" Amang" sniff..our great grand father.. :(
May their souls and the souls of all dead people may Faithfully Departed through the mercy of God, may they rest in peace. Amen.
On a lighter note..
Had so many wants this passed few weeks..I want a mei li nivea, Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler or the fanny serrano eyelash curler and the oh so piao liang kate jones product! (I saw so many good reviews about it..)I intend to try their product! It's cheaper compare with other brands..but quite worth it "daw"..Oh! how I wish I can buy them soon..Money!Money!Money! =)
Gah! I'm so desperate..lalala..
My bunchy said that I should use my main camera for a more clearer photo..haha
But I so love my 2ndary cam..used that often when I camwhore..

Alright! I'm done for now..
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