Tummy growls!;p
Cute cakes...........:)))

I LOVE SPONGE!!:D mwuah!!
Best cakes for your anniversary..:)

Bag envy or Bag addict?haha..Look at this LV and Chanel cakes so gorgeous!:))

Chio cupcakes!

Lah!so happy!I miss my honey again..lor!:p
Can't wait to see him again and again..
Emnazaon's 4th Anniv will be 41 days from now..oh!So excited!
I dunno if he has a plan for that big event but any how I'm looking forward to it!
Imagine I was only 17 when we went steady and until now...:))
Although like any other couple we do quarrel..but Love settle us down..
and for so many years I still believe that l never fail to bring my hon a huge smile at the end of the day..
He brought me smiles and laughters that I never saw them in myself before..:)
1 comment:
hi...just surfing the net and saw ur blog....cakes looks nice....i was the one who actually made them =p
anyway, thanks for the appreciation.
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